About Me

Hi – I’m Lauren, but feel free to call me Loz!
If you are here to purchase a piece of my art, thank you so much. I can't explain enough how honoured I am when someone chooses a part of my story, to become a part of theirs.
I firmly believe our experiences motivate us. True to that belief, much of my art is alchemy of the cumulation of everything I have experienced. I feel constantly overwhelmed with inspiration & I know this lifetime will be too short for me to ever create everything I hold inside myself.
I would describe my much of my work as colourful chaos, with a LOT of palpable energy.
My art is often recognisable due to my tendency towards myriads of layers, which come together to create a weirdly evocative balance of chaos & calm. A lot of people often tell me they appreciate how it is the kind of art where "the longer you look, the more you see," which makes it feel ever evolving & giving. I call this my “more is more” aesthetic.
I think this layered aesthetic is quite reflective of the fact that, as a late diagnosed neurodivergent human being, I have a relentlessly analytical, creative & complex mind.
I have a deeply intimate relationship with the therapeutic benefits of creating.
Art has always been my therapy. However, what inherently inspires me to keep creating & I relish the most, is witnessing the connection & meaning people find in my work for themselves.
I’ve been deeply humbled by people telling me they’ve felt inspired, empowered, joyful, visible, comforted & even somewhat healed, by my art. Every day that I get to create is truly a privilege, so if this profound connection other people feel with my work is the legacy I get to leave in this lifetime, it feels pretty sweet.
I often refer to myself as a “Jill of many trades” creative.
I follow wherever my imagination, inspiration & energy guides me & I am not sure if I will ever niche down. My process is highly intuitive & when it comes to the rule book of art, I do tend to piff it out the window & flip it the bird…but not before covering it in a crap-tonne of paint & glitter, of course!
I’ve been an artist my whole life but for a really long time, life got in the way.
I graduated from high school in the 90’s, when art as a career felt completely out of reach, & so off I plodded into adulthood to get a “real job.” Other than a brief stint in art & design at college in 2000, my art was relegated to hobby status - a status it kept until my late 20’s, when it slipped off the radar entirely.
I found my way back to art in 2019, while living overseas. Starting over in a foreign country at 37 had me feeling lonely, so I started attending creative workshops as a means to connect with others. Surprisingly, the biggest connection I made was back to the arty-farty part of myself, which I had long forgotten (for 12 long years).
My passion for art was so quickly reignited that it only took a very short stint back in the corporate world to realise art is where I truly belong & I haven't put the brushes down since.
With an abundance of love & gratitude,
Loz x